We are on a mission to make
the world more fulfilled
We can't do it on our own, and if you are excited about what we do and want to help - that means we will get to the world we dream of faster.
Open Roles
UX / Interaction Designer
We are looking for someone to help us turn Life Strategy into an exciting digital product that will captivate the whole world and will win over the hearts on a mission to make people more intentional about their lives.
We need help with the ideas for how to make this product as engaging as possible and potentially the development of those interactions & UX designs in an exciting and gamified way.
No application is needed, just send me an email to

Get in Touch
Interested in joining our ambitous team? Let's chat! Just drop us an email on
Be a chef, not a cook
Don’t just follow the recipe. Instead, understand the common principles and apply your own wisdom to create your way.
Be courageous
It takes some guts to be a trailblazer. But the reward is worth the risk. Be courageous to try something new, to try something different.
Take a lead
Not happy with something? Change it. See a problem? Solve it.
Do what you love
When you do what’s in sync with who you truly are, you are bound to deliver excellent results.
Work where
you want
You can be anywhere you like, if you get your work done and can deliver an excellent service to our clients.
Hands-on and
practical approach
We take bias towards action and adopt experimentation approach. If you have an idea, how can you test it quickly?
Work when
you want
We respect individual rhythms and schedules – if it works for your client and works for you – it works for us.
We are a
dream team
We are here to support each other, learn from each other and inspire each other. If you don’t know something or are struggling – ask for help.
Always ask "Why?"
We never take things for granted. If it always has been done in a certain way, it doesn’t mean it is the only and the best way.
Aesthetics is
the king
We believe the beauty will save the world. Whatever you are creating – a web page, a social media post, an exercise for the client – make sure it looks amazing!