Terms and Conditions
General Notice:
1. Terminology applicable to these specific Terms and Conditions, as well as any and all Agreements based thereupon, is as follows: “The Customer”, “Member”, “Your” and “You” refers directly to you, as the individual making use of this website, and the individual who accepts these Terms and Conditions.
2. shall henceforth be referred to as “Company”, “Website”, “Us” and “We”. We are a platform that helps individuals find life purpose and reach their full potential and organisations take care of employee wellbeing. Our services range from consulting, coaching to events and retreats.
3. The purpose of this document is to outline and govern the relationship between you and us. Your use of and access to this website, as well as the services it offers (known collectively as the “Services”) is subject to the notices, terms and conditions detailed below (known collectively as the “Terms of Service”). Your use of the Services constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Service, which may from time to time be updated by us as needs dictate.
4. We provide access to this website on a temporary basis. Our right to amend or withdraw the Services at any time without notice is reserved. We cannot be held liable for the unavailability of this website for any period, at any time. Links to external websites not operated by may appear on this website (known as “Linked Sites”). We have no control over the content or function of Linked Sites, and as such cannot accept responsibility for any damage or losses incurred by your usage of them. Any usage you make of Linked Sites is subject to the terms of service provided by each individual Linked Site.
5. You agree not to misuse or conduct malicious activity on this Website. Without limitation, you are prohibited from committing or encouraging any criminal offense; distributing or transmitting worms, viruses, Trojan horses, logic bombs or other malicious or harmful computer programs or coding; distributing or transmitting material which is deemed obscene or offensive; distributing or transmitting confidential data; hacking or interrupting the Service in any manner; deliberately corrupting data; causing annoyance or disruption to other users; committing any manner of intellectual property theft; transmitting or distributing unsolicited advertisements or other promotional materials that would constitute ‘spam’; or attempting to affect the functionality or performance of any computer hardware or software belonging to or accessed via this website.
6. Breaching these provisions is an offense, and it is the right and obligation of to report breaches to law enforcement agencies. If we deem such reporting necessary, we have the right to divulge your identity as part of the report.
7. Your presence on and use of this website is your statement and confirmation that you are minimum 18 years of age, and have never previously been blocked, banned or suspended from the Site. You additionally state and confirm that: (1) the information submitted by you while contacting us is 100% accurate; (2) you will maintain the accuracy of the project, and will notify us as soon as you change the information; or (3) you will not violate the policies and regulations listed in the agreement. You confirm that if your country’s laws prohibit your use of this site under these Terms, you will not use it.
8. Furthermore, you state that you will not, under any circumstances, make use of this website for illegal activities, listed as without limitation finance of terrorism, sponsorship of violent activities, extortion, data ransoming, blackmail, fraud, money laundering or illegal gambling.
9. We offer personalized services to our clients. We start with a consultation where we discuss the needs of the Client. In the event a Client is interested, we will start working closely with them, identifying their goals, time frame and pricing details. We will deliver the services as requested.
10. reserves the right to terminate or withdraw your access to or usage of this Website at any time, or no or any reason. In the event of termination or withdrawal, you agree that you shall pay immediately all sums due to in relation to any Services ordered. All accrued obligations, remedies, liabilities or rights will remain unaffected including without limitation our right to claim damages in relation to these Terms being breached, or our right to indemnification by you in accordance with these Terms. Additionally, provisions made by these Terms that have effect after termination either by implication or expressly will continue to remain in effect and full force.
Liabilities and Disclaimers
11. All material displayed by this website is not covered by any warranty, conditions or guarantee regarding its accuracy. Unless express statement is provided to the contrary, and to the maximum degree that the law permits, and all associated content providers, advertisers and suppliers hereby expressly and completely exclude without limitation all warranties, conditions and/or other terms that might otherwise be implied by the legislation, or the regulations of equity, and disclaim liabilities for damages, including but not limited to indirect, direct, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages, damages for loss of profit, loss of data, loss of use or other intangibles, damages to reputation or goodwill, procurement cost for alternative services or goods necessitated by or related to the inability to use, use of, failures or other performance of this website or any Linked Sites and material posted thereupon, regardless of whether any such damages were foreseeable or arose in equity, tort, contract, restitution, at common law, by statute or otherwise.
Intellectual Property Rights
12. All intellectual property rights pertaining to content (including images) and software available through the use of this Website remain with or licensors thereof, and are protected by global copyright treaties and laws. We reserve these rights. Permission is granted to you for storage, printing and display of the content for personal use, by you, only. You are prohibited from publishing, distributing, manipulating or otherwise reproducing the content of this website in any format for any purpose. You are prohibited from using the content for business or professional purposes.
13. In the event that the provisions of these Terms are found to be unenforceable or invalid, such provisions are to be held to reflect, as closely as possible, the original intent of the Terms in accordance with applicable laws, and the remainder of any enforceable aspect of the Terms is to remain in effect and full force.